Saturday, June 22, 2019

Dr Doom, Some Turtles & A Box Of Crap (Dr Doom, TMNT)

So today I did something I'm not too proud of, I bought a Marvel figure. I know, I know, no big deal, most toy collectors do it, but you see, I'm not into Marvel. Or DC. Superheroes in general just don't do it for me, which yes I realize makes me a very strange toy collector. But today at the Market Bazaar, I spent $10 on a mint on card Dr Doom from the early 90s. I had it when I was a kid, I remember getting him from the clearance toy store that moved into town for a short while. I wasn't into superheroes even back then but this guy just looked so cool, especially on the packaging. I sold him off along with all my other superheroes, and this was one of the few I regretted getting rid of. So when I saw Bobby had him for only $10, I was half hoping he'd be gone by the time I got there just so I wouldn't be tempted to buy him. But he didn't sell, he tempted me, and I caved. And god that packaging is a work of art, I see why I wanted it as a kid, and then again as an adult.

Dr Doom was the only figure I picked up today, but a few days ago I got a $10 box of mystery toys from Goodwill, mainly because I could see a couple vintage TMNT figures on top. Well, sort of, so one of them was actually in a different box, but I plucked him out and stuck him in here because he was mixed in with a bunch of dolls and this box looked slightly more promising. It really wasn't, but at least I got a couple good figures out of it.

I think the only two really noteworthy pieces were the reasons I bought the overpriced box in the first place, Robotic Bebop and Scumbug. Neither are in the best condition, Scumbug's missing his jaw and Bebop's pretty beat up. I didn't have either of these as a kid, and Robotic Bebop is one of the later figures and fairly rare, so I couldn't pass up a chance to add him to my collection. Were they essentially worth $5 a piece? No, not really, but some of the other stuff in this box more than paid for them.

The only other pieces I ended up keeping were an Imaginext ankylosaurus, because he's my favorite dinosaur, and a movie Michelangelo from the new TMNT movies. I did manage to make my money back and then some by selling a Toy Story figure, a whale, a little Fortnite figure and a velociraptor, bringing in about double what I paid for the whole box. By no means a big money maker but at least it means I essentially got my Turtles figures for free. I really need to stop buying these boxes of junk, there are rarely ever any treasures in them, other than the one piece that convinces me to buy it in the first place. I miss the old days when they threw toys in a bucket and you only bought the ones you wanted. Ah well, at least they're fun to sort through, never knos what you're gonna get. And now I'm wondering what's in the box I plucked Bebop out of, what if that one was better?