So I hit up a bunch of yard sales today, but it seems my string of good luck has finally ended... well, as far as yard sales go. Didn't buy a single thing at them today, but I also stopped at all four thrift stores and bought a buttload of toys at two of them. Salvation Army came through today with a $5 bag of mostly Ninja Turtles, a TMNT Samurai War Horse, Spiderman Monster Spider, a 1989 Shazam vhs to resell and a vintage Power Rangers Pink Ranger vhs, with Kimberly on the cover. Saw it there last week and passed on it but the look she was giving me, for 50 cents, how could I possibly say no?

Snatched up the bag of toys with Ninja Turtles from all different time periods, ranging from the original Splinter, the 2002 Splinter, Wacky Action Shredder, which I own but he's one of my favorites, some mini Turtles figures, a couple newer Turtles, a kind of rare 2002 movie Spiderman, Buzz Lightyear, a Scooby Doo figure, Digimon, Dragonball Z and you guessed it, McDonalds toys. For once, I think the actual toys outnumbered the McDonalds garbage, though it's close. Just did the tally, yep, McDonalds lost for the first time ever.
The vintage Splinter makes up for the one I found a couple weeks ago with the missing hand, I already have his weapons, just need his robe now. And the 2002 Splinter will go nicely with the set of four complete 2002 Turtles I got this summer. Had no plan of collecting these but now that I have them, I want Shredder to go with them because that's a dope figure. I didn't even see the vintage Wacky Action Shredder in this bag until I emptied it out, he was shoved in the middle. Not sure if I'm going to keep him, since I already have him complete, maybe for a custom? One of my favorite figures from the line because he looked kind of like he did in the cartoon.

I honestly didn't even know the $1 horse was TMNT when I bought it, I was thinking it was Skeleton Warriors, maybe a horse the good guys rode. But it turns out there's only that one skeleton horse in the line, which I'm wishing I didn't get rid of because it's so badass. Aside from the horse, I also had one of the figures I'm wishing I held onto, Baron Dark. But this horse ended up being the Samurai War Horse from the 3rd TMNT movie in 1993. You know, I still have not seen that movie. I'm told I'm not missing out on much.

I also picked up the Spiderman Web Trap series Monster Spider figure from 1997, my favorite era of Spiderman cartoon, actually, technically the only superhero cartoon I was ever into. I had a few of the figures from that time period, which I foolishly sold, but I was too old for toys at that point in my childhood. Didn't stop me from wanting them though! This is one I probably wouldn't have bought back then, I like the regular figures that look like they do on the screen, but for $1, I couldn't pass him up, not sure if he's for my collection or to resell.

Then at Goodwill, there were multiple boxes of toys for $8, way too much considering you can't really see what you're getting, and most of the box is garbage. But I could see a few figures I wanted. I tried slipping them out of their box and into the other but there kept being more I wanted so I just bought them both, hoping it'd pay off. Lately, they actually have, sometimes quadrupling what I spend on the box which is usually $5 to $10. Not bad considering I usually spend the seven or so dollars on one figure I want in the box and the rest is just profit.

And I'd say they paid off today. So, which figure drew me in? Well, I had to get the box because it had the Baron Dark Skeleton Warrior figure I was just wishing I still had. How weird is that? I also spotted a John Cena and transforming Rocksteady, which I realized after I already have but oh well. There were a couple of the mini Ninja Turtles, to go along with the ones I just picked up from Salvation Army. Again, how weird is that? There were even accessories to go with figures I got earlier in the year. There was a Beetlejuice, unfortunately missing his regular size head, Mr Freeze, Captain Planet, X-Men's Apocalypse, Bob The Joker's Goon from the original Batman movie, die cast Star Wars vehicles mostly from their Hot Wheels line, the Blue and Black Imaginext Power Rangers, Roman Reigns, Undertaker and Nikki Bella figures, a McDonalds Megatron and a bunch of stuff to sell. The two Mario Kart slots cars alone are worth enough to cover the cost of both $8 boxes which is awesome, made my money back already, anything else is just icing on the cake.
I really wish they put some effort into these boxes, both of them were half full of baby toys, there were even some kids book in there, a roll of tape, they just throw anything in them. Now I'm wondering what was in the third box that didn't look good on the top but who knows what was underneath, man, shoulda bought that one too.