We already celebrated my birthday on our CT trip last week but today was my actual birthday. 35 years old. And I'm still getting toys for presents, some things never change. To be honest, I kind of hate my birthday because it's a reminder that another year has gone by and I still haven't made it. It used to be in the music industry, now it's in the publishing world. Not that I've been in the publishing world for that long, I only put out my first novel 6 months ago and my first hiking guide a little over a year ago. I'm getting there, but I'm not there yet, and birthdays only remind me of that. I should be happy just to be alive but this last year was a rough one. It wasn't even all that bad, but in comparison to the last four, which were freakin' amazing, it was hard to go back to having a bad one.
I do awesome s**t, it's what I do, it's how I live. But sometimes the negativity going on around me gets to me. This year, it got to me. But it didn't stop me from living my crazy ass life to its fullest, it just put a damper on it.
Jaime had to work today but we celebrated when she got home by going out to do a little shopping and having dinner at Chili's. The honey chipotle chicken and waffles, oh my god. I've been fantasizing about it for months now but when neither of us were working, we couldn't afford to eat out. It was worth the wait. I got some sweat pants at Kohl's. This is actually my first pair of sweat pants since I had to wear them over my cast in sixth grade when I broke my leg. So it's kind of a big deal for me. We also got a salt lamp at Goodwill which we'd planned on getting from work the day we got fired so that obviously didn't happen. But we finally have one and call me crazy but I can feel the difference in the room already. It really does counteract the energy of the electronics we always have going.

My real present came on our last stop of the night, Game Stop in the Kohl's plaza. They got in the Funko Savage World Thundercats figures. I wasn't sure if I was going to get them when I saw them online, figuring I'd stick with rebuilding my vintage Thundercats collection and maybe rounding out my 2011 Bandai series, but upon seeing them in person, I couldn't resist. Mumm-Ra's arm was disconnected though so I originally planned on opening them rather than keeping them in package, that way I could pop his arm back in. But the guy working there checked the system for me and they had another case out back. That never happens to me, and no one ever checks so I was grateful for that.

I bought both Lion-O and Mumm-Ra but skipped out on Panthro and Slythe. Panthro looks great but Slythe's design doesn't really do it for me, a little too basic compared to his former self. And I simply don't have the room for all of them so I'm just gonna get a select few. Of course I look at the series 2 figures advertised on the back and I want 3 out of the 4, all except Tygra who for some reason I've never been a fan of. Maybe because I'm jealous of his relationship with Cheetara, who looks amazing by the way. And I'll definitely be picking up Jackalman and Monkian, and now I'm figuring I should probably just get Slythe too so that way when I end up getting all the villains I won't be missing one random figure from the first wave. Ugh, the dilemmas we face as collectors, lol.
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