While in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, celebrating my wife's birthday and working on my off-trail waterfall book series, I made a few discoveries I hadn't set out to find, in the form of toys. After dipping my feet in an ice cold stream for some waterfall pictures, we made our way to the Gorham Walmart so I could limp all the way to the back and check out the toy department. I swear I am an adult, despite the fact that every store we go to, the first place I head is toys. And then I get mad if they have the nerve not to have a toy section.

To my surprise, they had the Power Rangers Lightning Collection, they're usually a few months behind there, even more so than Bangor. But they must have just put it out because they had a full case, including my man Lord Zedd. Yes, I just bought him a couple days ago but I grabbed another one, either for display or to resell, haven't decided yet. I might just keep this one and return the one I bought in Bangor because his package was a little scuffed up.
And a few steps down the aisle, the brand new Transformers Siege War For Cybertron Soundwave figure. If you ask me, $30 is a little steep for this scale but he looks so dope, I knew I was getting him the second I saw the prototype images. Add to that the fact that his packaging is beautiful and he'll go perfectly next to Megatron.

A couple days later, I was browsing the antique shops in Littleton NH, looking for old maps and postcards, which I did find a few I just had to have, when I stumbled upon something I wasn't expecting. On the basement level of the Purple Peacock, there was a table full of comic books and jigsaw puzzles. I could tell immediately by the colors of the boxes, there was something good in there. You know that feeling, like a Spidey sense tingling? You just know.

Masters Of The Universe, I snatched that up so fast I might have left burn marks on it. Nope, looks like we're okay, no burns. Battle Armor He-Man and Man-At-Arms fighting Faker, Whiplash, Mer Man and Skeletor, hell freakin' yeah! I also spotted a Ninja Turtles puzzle with my favorite, Shredder, and Krang as they watch Raphael fight a Foot Soldier. I'll buy Shredder merchandise any day, which reminds me, whatever happened to my Shredder watch? And then, Go-Bots! How often do you see Go-Bots anything? And one of my all time favorites, Cop-Tur, in both robot and helicopter form. Yes, someone actually likes the Go-Bots.
I grabbed them all for $8 a piece. Not exactly a great deal but how often do you see these? Had they been a little cheaper, I probably would have picked up a second TMNT and Go-Bots puzzle, neither of which had my favorite characters on them.
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