You know when you know you've missed out on something good, and it haunts you because you don't know exactly what it was. Well, I've been dealing with that for days. Black Friday, I hit up Goodwill, but only after attempting to go to Salvation Army, who were inexplicably closed. I get to Goodwill and a family of country bumpkins are grabbing a couple boxes of toys. I couldn't see what was in them, but I could see they were full of action figures. They took the two good ones and left the one full of random girls toys, and oddly enough some of the original Matrix figures. I can't help but wonder what I missed out on in those boxes, but I know it was something good. If only I didn't stop at Salvation Army first.

I went back today, I know I'm a few days late, and I think some of the figures from that collection were shoved into some other toy boxes. They didn't look very promising, definitely a combination of separate donations, but I did grab one of them because it had a talking Raphael at the top and I could make out vintage Donatello legs in there. So for $5, why not? Oh and they're really taping these bad boys up now, I guess they're sick of people picking through them and tearing them apart. Afterwards, I hit up Salvation Army and spotted a Nickelodeon TMNT figure I don't have, woohoo! Not a bad day at all.

So, going through the Goodwill box, nothing too great, but I did find a couple treasures, definitely leftover from the other boxes I missed out on a few days ago. It's crazy how spread out the time frame is that their donations actually hit the floor. The Matrix figures and girls toys I had seen were mid 90s to about 2001, so I have a feeling that's what the other toys were, and this box coincides with that. Lot of junk I'll get rid of right away, bunch of wooden blocks, McDonalds toys of course, some Imaginext. Nothing worth any significant money, more than enough to make my $5 back, but is it even worth it for $5?

Onto the good stuff. There wasn't much. As we saw at the top oft he box, there was a talking Raphael from the Nickelodeon TMNT. I don't really collect figures like this, I pretty much just go for action figures, but I'll throw him on one of my shelves for now. He still talks and his action feature works as well. I was really hoping there'd be more Turtles from this series in there but no such luck. I'm part way through the final season, so depressed, I don't want it to be over.

And as for the vintage Donatello legs, I was right, but he's Talkin' Donatello, who doesn't talk anymore. Even as a kid, I was never into all the different versions of the Turtles, I wanted the plain ones and that was it. There were two more vintage Turtles in there, Lifeguard Leonardo and Indian Leonardo. Remember what I was saying about not caring for the different versions of the Turtles? Yeah, now I have two more special ones. Oh well, it's still vintage TMNT. I'll put them on display and probably sell them in a lot at some point with other Turtles figures I've amassed but don't need.

Another figure I'll keep from the box is a Star Wars Power Of The Force Boba Fett from the mid 90s. I had a ton of these figures back in middle school and sold them off during the poor college years. Didn't think I'd regret it at the time because I still had the originals. I was wrong, I regret it. All I have left is the Landspeeder, with its box which is pretty cool. Luckily these guys are plentiful and aren't worth much, even in package, so they won't be hard to get my hands on, but they're not something I go out of my way to get. Since Boba Fett landed in my lap, he can now take up residency next to the Landspeeder.
There was also a Spiderman figure from the 2015 line, I have a few of those I've picked up this year, but this is the first red and black one. They're actually pretty nice figures with good articulation for a kid's line. I might keep him on display for a little, until I get rid of his friends once I accumulate a few more. On second thought, I should watch the show first and make sure I don't fall in love with it like the Turtles situation I've got going on now, then kick myself for selling them off.

The only other figure I might keep is a Power Rangers Yellow Ranger from the recent movie. I've never been a big Power Rangers fan, a Kimberly fan, yes, but not the property as a whole. I finally saw the movie and I gotta say, it was pretty damn good. I'm kinda sad they're not making a sequel, or at least not making it right now. I wouldn't say I want to collect the figures from it, a couple of Lightning Collection and some Lord Zedds are enough for me, but I think I'll keep her around for a little, since she's not actually worth anything.

Then it was on to Salvation Army, who were actually open today. Not much in the way of toys, they've been dry for months now, which is weird because Goodwill has been full of toys lately. But I did spot one lone action figure, and he was one I wanted, Cockroach Terminator from the Nickelodeon TMNT series, 2013, for $1. He's one of the figures I needed, and even saw once at a yard sale where I bought five other figures. They wanted a dollar a piece so I just grabbed the ones I knew, thinking I'd be adding them to the lot I'd already amassed, and I skipped out on him and a couple others. I've regretted it since I started watching the show over a month ago, now I'm more than happy to pay a dollar a piece for these guys. He's missing his antennae but whatever, I don't need them to be complete, I just need them. I know need is a strong word, like, can you really need action figures? Yes. Yes you can. And this is now one less that I need.
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