Before tomorrow's snowstorm, I went out and did a little toy hunting. I came back with almost nothing, but went to a ton of new places. My day started with a quick trip into the Bangor Goodwill where I found a clothing rack unit for my wife for $10, the same one I almost got her for Christmas but $60 was just a bit too high. We moved the bedroom out of the cold side of the house last year but kept her clothes in that closet because there wasn't one in the new bedroom. We decided not to get her a fancy wooden clothing rack because it'll just be something else to move when the time comes, but this is a perfect temporary piece. I did have to brave the horrific stench of an elderly couple, and as if their smell wasn't bad enough, she let out a fart so long I swore it had to be something rattling in the box I was holding. It wasn't. Is it awkward that she made eye contact with me while farting? I found it awkward.

Next stop was the Bangor Market Bazaar to pick up the Mutagen Man figure I didn't grab the last two weeks. Why? Well because I have him. He was one of the only two TMNT figures I had left from my collection. I kept him not only because he was one of my favorites, I sold off all of them including my favorites, but because I knew I had his parts somewhere and he'd be worth more with them. I found most of his parts over the years but was still missing three. Bobby had one complete for only $5 so I bought him and I'll just sell mine, probably make $5 off him so I'll break even but have a complete Mutagen Man in my collection. If you're wondering, the other TMNT figure I still had was an April O'Neil because I found her in some random toy bucket after I sold them all.

When I saw Bobby at Goodwill the other day, I told him I was looking for a Slythe figure from the vintage Thundercats line. He had one so he brought it in today and gave me a hell of a deal at $5. No weapon but that's okay because I'm not trying to have them all complete, it'd be cool, but I just want to replace all the figures I no longer own. The Thundercats were such an incredible series, no reused parts, all original molds, which is just insane, I'm going to end up re-buying the whole collection. And kicking myself the entire time for selling it. Yes, I would have been homeless, but I would have been a homeless bum with a complete collection of Thundercats.

And then it was on to the new destinations a little further south. I started with K-Mart in Waterville before they close in February. Well, it turns out they actually close in a week so they were pretty well wiped out and probably the busiest they've ever been, I barely found a place to park. A few WWE figures at 60% off but nothing I wanted. There was a Bullmoose next door so I took a quick look but they don't really carry any figures, they did have a Battle Armor He-Man Reaction figure which I already have but I didn't expect to see him there, a dollar cheaper than everyone else too.
After that, I made my way through a residential area into a downtown, not sure what town, to check out the Goodwill. Nothing at all, kind of a pathetic selection of everything, toys included. There was a Dollar General next door though and they had some Transformers Kreo figures, those were cool to see. They even had two of my all time favorites, Megatron and Shockwave, but for $15 a piece I passed on those. Last thing I need to do is start a new collection, I already kinda did that with Loyal Subjects Thundercats and MOTU.

Before hitting up Mardens down the highway an exit or two, I had a new place to check out. When researching my trip, I found a comic shop just off I-95 at the Mardens exit. Sure enough, it was there, Comics Cards & Collectibles. Small place, I think it's the first floor of the guy's house but a really impressive selection of comic books. Tons of cards. Even a wall of toys which was shown on the website, that is of course what drew me in. In the picture, there were some MOTU 200x figures but unfortunately none that I needed, Tri Klops, Trap Jaw and Teela but only $15 a piece. Lots of Star Wars Power Of The Force, new TMNT, some DC and Batman, regular superhero and Star Wars stuff you find in Maine.

Next up was Mardens just a minute down the road. The place was packed, I had to park near the back of the lot which is huge. Lots of stuff, big toy department but nothing I needed. I almost grabbed a DC Super Hero Girls Supergirl figure to make a custom with but realistically, I'm not going to have time to make any customs in the near future so I passed on her. They had a huge selection of comics and graphic novels as well as books from a Books-A-Million buyout but nothing I wanted.
From there I made my way down to Augusta for my main objective of the day, Five Below. Back around Christmas, they got in WWE Retros series 5, I found them the day they put them out in Portland and picked up a Macho Man and Big E. Well, it turns out they're worth a bit of money so I was hoping to grab a few more and figured maybe the Augusta one would have some, I didn't have time to go all the way down to Portland and make it back before Jaime got out of work. But unfortunately they didn't have any Retros at all. Again, Super Hero Girls Supergirl, this time for $5, but I still passed, knowing I won't have time to make a custom figure. Kind of regretting it now, I always do.
I missed my turn into Goodwill so I moved on to Big Lots but nothing there. I wish ours didn't close, lot of good deals there. Next up was K-Mart, one that isn't closing, but probably will anyway. The place was deserted but huge. The toy department took up nearly half the store but somehow they still didn't have much. The action figure section was tiny. No Retros but they did have the Retro ring which I saw at the K-Mart in CT and wanted but Jaime said I didn't need another ring. Well, she was wrong, I do. So I bought it today, mostly because this was my last stop and I didn't want to go home empty handed. Plus, I love its packaging.
I picked up some Arbys to bring home for us since ours closed a couple years ago, and then hit up the Goodwill I missed on the way by, damn those one way streets. But nothing good there either. So I made my way back nearly empty handed. I stopped by Salvation Army right before they closed but nothing. After picking up Jaime and eating, we had to get a few groceries before the snow storm, tried to swing by Goodwill again but they closed early in preparation of the snow. It started snowing while we were out but not bad yet.

My main objective going into Walmart was not food but the MOTU Mega Construx 5 pack. And they had it! A whole case was just put out so I grabbed a Battle For Eternia Collection for $20 and went home happy. To anyone wondering, they also finally got in the Transformers Siege Optimus Prime and Megatron but only had one left of each for $30, the new G1 Optimus for $50, which is a replica of the original, and they put out the WWE Retros series 7 but only had one Chris Jericho left.
So that was one waste of a day toy hunting but at least I got my Mutagen Man and Slythe from Northeast Collectibles, the WWE Retro ring and the MOTU Mega Construx Battle For Eternia Collection set. And hey, I got to travel to some new stores, well, mostly new locations of regular stores but still, it was a nice change of pace and I got some cool stuff.
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