I couldn't stop thinking about the Bat Jet and Eva Marie figure I didn't get yesterday, so this morning I hit up Goodwill when they opened at 9:00. As soon as I walked in I ran into Bobby Verge, owner of Northeast Collectibles. We chatted for a bit while browsing the toy section. I grabbed the Bat Jet, which isn't in the best condition but I have the hard to find missile piece that attaches to the front so I couldn't pass it up, even if it is just to resell. Found a bunch of 90s Spiderman and X-Men comics but I have no need for them and don't know enough about their value to buy them so I tracked Bobby down and he bought all of them.

Next stop was to TJ Maxx for the $4 Eva Marie NXT Takeover figure I saw there yesterday. When I looked her up online later, she gets a little bit of money on eBay so I went back and grabbed her. The package was pretty damaged and the blister was coming off the card so I opened her the rest of the way and will try to sell her. Oh and they dropped the price by a dollar since yesterday so I only paid $3 which is cool. It really is a good figure, it actually looks like her. She wasn't much of a wrestler but man is she hot.

I hit up Salvation Army since I was right next door but nothing, and then I went to the Antique Mall on Union Street which I haven't been to since it changed hands a while back. Nice place but nothing there for me. They did have a bunch of Ninja Turtle movie cards and Batman movie cards from the late 80s/early 90s, still in their sealed packs for $1 a piece. I actually just went through my cards yesterday and saw a bunch from those exact sets. There was also a whole display case of sports cards.

When I got home, I went into the shed before the big snowstorm hits and brought in some toys that I wanted to display on the dresser I just cleaned off. This is the last full tote of toys from the shed, though I do still have some loose pieces that I just don't have room for right now. But I'm excited about what I did bring in because not only were there vehicles and playsets, there were also accessories and parts I needed in a KB Toys bag which is a cool find in itself. Some of my old plastic bags have partially disintegrated but this one is in excellent condition.

So let's go over what I brought in today, and a couple things from the other day as well. The 1990s Power Of The Force Star Wars Land Speeder with its box. The box was a bit dusty and dirty and a little misshapen but I cleaned it up and found a box identical in size to go inside of it to help keep its form. First box I tried, usually that's close to impossible. I was on a Star Wars kick back in the early 90s and had quite a few of the early Power Of The Force figures and a couple vehicles as well, all of which I sold at a yard sale, accept this one. I think because I had the box, that's what I was storing their cardbacks in, I decided to keep it and try to sell it with its box. It never went for anything so it's just been sitting in my shed for all these years.

I also brought in the Nation Of Domination 4 pack box from the Jakks WWE line. The box is a little damaged from being in the shed for all these years but I cleaned it up and put it on a shelf. I always planned on selling it but it was never worth anything since it's the early Nation before The Rock, D-Lo, Mark Henry and Kama joined. I decided to bring it in because when I was going through the pictures my dad and sister sent me from the photo albums, there's a Christmas picture and this box set is in the picture. I think I'll keep it for that alone, unless maybe it suddenly becomes worth something.

I also brought in my vintage Star Wars figures in their generic 80s Space Cases. I went through the cases a while back and brought in my favorites to put on display but this time I decided which ones to keep and which ones to sell. Not that they're worth anything, maybe a dollar or two a piece. I added about ten figures to my ranks of Star Wars figures who already have a spot in my living room display. The figures got me thinking, I should really make a custom of King Terak from the Ewoks Battle For Endor movie.

And now onto today's shed haul. The largest of the bunch, which wasn't actually in the tote because it's too large, is the GI Joe Headquarters from 1992. Though not quite complete, it does have most of its parts, which I reattached today after compiling them all from their different locations. My sister and I loved this thing as kids, we would set up Joes everywhere on it and have to shoot them all down with the little cannons. Man, now I wanna play again. I bet my wife would love that game.

To stick with the playset theme, I also brought in the other two Battle Beasts playsets, I have the Shocking Shark in my display case, mostly complete. So today I brought in the Wood Beetle and Blazing Eagle, which are now close to or possibly 100% complete. I forgot how much I loved these until seeing them again. I also brought in the three riding chariots to round out the collection. Now, all I need to do is once again get the figures themselves. Sometimes I really hate past me.

One of the things I went out there to grab in the first place was the GI Joe vehicle, the Hurricane, a Cobra jet that takes off and lands vertically. Years ago I planned on selling it but they were only fetching maybe $10 incomplete, plus I never found a box the right size for it so it's been sitting in the shed in its tote for years. Since then I've found the figure that came with it and almost all of the missiles, just missing two now. It was always one of my favorite vehicles so I think I'll keep it.

I'm going to be honest here, up until a couple months ago, I had no idea how much the yellow King Of The Ring WWF Hasbro wrestling ring was worth. Of course, mine is nowhere near mint condition, I played with those figures for years. My ring was always a little warped, since the minute I took it out of the box and still is today, not sure if that's normal with these. The sticker in the middle of the ring is so scuffed up you can barely read it. I certainly got my money's worth out of it, well, my parents' money to be technical. Now that I know how valuable it is, not just to me but to collectors everywhere, I figure I should have it displayed properly.

I also brought in a couple of my New Adventure Of He-Man vehicles to display, not that I have any room for them. The Terroclaw and the Shuttle Pod. I actually have two Shuttle Pods, one of which will stay toted up, as well as the Astrosub and Bolajet. Since I've never had these vehicles on display before, this is the first time I'm seeing them with the Shuttle Pod attaching onto the top of the Terroclaw. The Terroclaw was always my favorite New Adventures vehicle.

There were two things in the box I didn't even know were in there. The first was a GI Joe puzzle featuring one of my favorite characters, Croc Master. I knew I had this puzzle somewhere but hadn't seen it in quite a while, I'd been hoping to come across it since assembling my closet shelving display system a couple years ago. It'll go nicely with my other puzzles. I'm so glad I kept this from my childhood, one of those things I don't even remember having. I was never big into puzzles but this is a great display piece.

The other item in the box that I didn't expect to find was Reptile's Dragon MK1 boat from the GI Joe/Mortal Kombat line in the mid 90s. I never cared much about the boat, I just wanted that damn Reptile figure. I honestly don't think I ever even played with the boat so it's still in mint condition. And miraculously, I seem to have found all the accessories either in that tote or in my box of Joes weapons. And I can't be sure but online, all the pictures I see of it, and there aren't many, show it with black missiles on the sides. However, I attached two gray torpedo looking missiles to mine which I find weird because I never played with it so those would have been the parts I put on it to begin with, fresh out of the box. When I looked at the GI Joe Piranha boat they used as the mold, it has those torpedo style missiles but in yellow. So I'm wondering if the gray ones I have on mine are actually the ones that came with it. I have the four 4 black missiles as well, two on top, one in the cannon and one just flopping around. I'm so glad I didn't sell this piece, it may not be worth much, but I loved those Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter figures and this is one less rare piece I need to hunt down.
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