Thursday, December 27, 2018

Buckland Hills Mall and Maine Mall in Portland

With snow coming tomorrow, we decided to head back to Maine this evening. But we had a busy day planned before that. My mom had a doctor's appointment in Glastonbury which is just outside of Manchester, so me, Jaime and my parents left in the morning for Mom's appointment, my sister was working. I had read about a couple comic shops in the Glastonbury area, but the one I really wanted to go to was closed, maybe we were there too early, they had no hours listed. But we stopped at a Goodwill, nothing, and Omni Cards and Collectibles which was more of a sports collectibles store, really big though. I stopped at a pawn shop next door and almost bought an open box set of Lord Of The Rings figures but I had almost all of the figures already so passed on it, it was $30. Last year I would have grabbed it but I got the remaining figures I needed since then. I would have just been getting it for the display box which I honestly have no room for.

Then we ate at Red Lobster and went to the Buckland Mall. We stopped at the old Toys R Us plaza where there was a pop up toy/Halloween shop in its place. Their stuff was on clearance but nothing I needed, kind of cool place though. Nothing good at Game Stop. Five Below was wiped clean, except they were far from clean, I don't think anyone's picked up that store in weeks, it was completely trashed. They almost had some good stuff, the right series but the figures I wanted were gone, no WWE Retros unfortunately. I read online recently that Five Below was carrying Retro Series 5 (Macho Man and the three New Day members) but by the looks of it, if they did, they sold out already. They had one pack of WWE Muscle figures but no one I wanted in it, a couple WWE Mutants, ugh, why, and one WWE Diva Superstar figure but it was Natalya so nope. Why couldn't it have been Sasha Banks or Alexa Bliss? I almost got an Elite Alexa next door at Big Lots for $10 but I ended up putting it back, it wasn't all that great of a figure and I really don't need it.

I looked around the mall, actually walked the whole thing for once, while Jaime read in Barnes & Noble and my parents waited in the car to avoid the crowds, that place was packed. The FYE there is gone but there was a toy store in its place, some pretty cool figures but way overpriced, even at 30% off. They did have GI Joe vs Transformers blind pack figures but I wasn't too impressed with the pictures so decided against getting them. Nothing good at Go Toys & Games, Game Stop or Newbury Comics. But Hot Topic had the MOTU Loyal Subjects exclusives, and they were on sale for buy 1 get 1 30% off or something like that. They had the Battle Armor Skeletor I wanted so I grabbed him and a blind box figure which turned out to be Mer-Man so not bad. I really wanted a Sorceress though. The Skeletor is awesome and I love that I can leave him in package or easily take him out and put him back in whenever I want, great design feature. Then I got my Cajun Cafe for the road and we headed out. Even without KB Toys and Toys R Us, it's good to have so many places that still carry action figures.

On our way home we had just enough time to stop in Portland and get some Arbys. I checked Hot Topic while I waited for the food, last customer served, they close at 8:30 on weekdays, not 9:00, same with some of the other restaurants in the food court. Hot Topic had Battle Armor Skeletor but no Sorceress, now that I know I can pop open the mystery figs I did, but it was just a Mer-Man and two Fistos.

WWE Retros series 5 BIG E & MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGEThen we rushed over to Five Below which is in a different plaza. They had a lot more toys at this one, smaller section but not as picked over. Still no WWE Retros. They had quite a few WWE figures though, even those NXT Target exclusives, but nothing I wanted. Then on my way out, defeated and kinda disappointed, I spotted another toy aisle near the front candy section. I could feel their presence, Retros. They just stocked them, series 5, an entire case, two of everybody. I grabbed a Macho Man and a Big E. Not a huge fan of Big E but the figure was too cool to pass up. Jaime and I used to be huge Kofi Kingston fans but he's got one of those stupid jumping action features which I've always despised. They really need to stop making those, I think everybody hates them. And Xavier was alright, not a great figure and I'm not a huge fan of his either so I passed on that one too. I really hop they get Series 6 because I want a Bray Wyatt and Shinsuke Nakumara.

WWE Diva Superstar figure ALEXA BLISSThey also had the Superstar Diva figures that look like, um, I don't know, Barbie dolls I guess. They carry them at Target and are pretty freakin' cool but too expensive. They had two Alexa Bliss figures so I snatched up both of those, one for in-package, one out. At $5 a piece, I couldn't pass them up. I should have got two Macho's and Big E's as well because I'm not gonna be able to bring myself to open them, dammit. But I was super excited to find the figures I was hoping for, the perfect way to finish off our Christmas trip. And there is no way in hell I can fit all these new toys on top of my display case where new figures live. I think they'll have to line the floor in front of it for a while.

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