Remember when you were a kid and you got nothing but toys under the Christmas tree? Well, that's what my Christmases are still like, lol. Some years we don't really do much for presents but when we do, we go all out. This year we planned a trip to CT to spend Christmas Day with my family so we opened presents there. I picked a few things off my loooong list and opened the eBay pages on Jaime's computer and she picked some out for me, so I didn't really know what I'd be getting. I honestly couldn't even remember what items I opened on her computer, and I gave my parents a couple ideas that they might possibly find in stores as well. And wow, what a Christmas morning it was, it looked like it did when we were kids, I love it! I forgot to get a picture of it but here's a picture of the tree and presents at our house before we packed them up and brought them down to CT.

I had about 12 or so gifts, all of which I wrapped myself because Jaime didn't have time with work and all, so I wrapped my presents still in their shipping boxes, no clue what was inside. I also wrapped up the figures I got at Mardens recently but I still had quite a few surprises. On top of the toys, my sister gave me her old camera which is fantastic, a really good one, and she got me a big memory stick for it as well. And my parents got me Huckleberry Jam, my favorite. Oh and a set of kitchen knives because I've recently broken all but one of mine. How?! I'm cutting cucumbers and cheese. My Dad gave me an extra he had from my grandparents stuff after they passed away and I even broke that one.
Jaime got me seven figures and my parents got me two so I had a total of 9 sort of surprise toys. Plus the three Loyal Subjects figures I got but didn't open so that was a total surprise as well.

I think my favorite was Ice Armor Skeletor from the MOTU 200x line, mint on card. This figure is beautiful, one of the last released in the series. It's just a repaint of Fire Armor Skeletor but I absolutely love the coloring. He's extremely hard to find, I never saw him in stores or I would have grabbed him back then. I want one out of package as well, this is hands down one of my favorite Skeletor figures. He'll go nicely with my other Snakemen series green cards.

Jaime bid on and won the Tough Talkin' WWF Ultimate Warrior figure which was the last of my gifts to arrive. The figure is a bit beat up and dirty which I saw when I opened that page for her but I don't mind, I can clean him up a bit and I don't need the talking feature. I never had him as a kid but my friend had the talking Hulk Hogan, possibly Warrior too, I just love all the WWF Hasbro figures from this time period. His look is awesome and really epitomizes that era of wrestling.

My parents got me the new Transformers Cyberverse Megatron and Shockwave, two of my all time favorite Transformers ever since I was a kid. Not a fan of the Cyberverse cartoon but these figures are incredible. I only made it through the first couple episodes but might give it another try, I want to like it, I just hated it. I love Shockwave's colors, even though everyone teased me and said Shockwave was clearly a girl and should be called a Transgender, not a Transformer. I like his pink and purple though, despite it being kind of girly.

The MOTU Loyal Subjects blind box figure I got turned out to be Trap Jaw which is pretty cool. I love the villains and he'll go nicely with my Tri Klops. And for the Thundercats I got the two I wanted the most which is f***ing insane and never happens to me! I got my girl Cheetara and Mumm-Ra. Those are the two I would have picked if they weren't blind box figures! And they actually look really good, a lot more detail than I expected. Plus, the Cheetara is the chase variant version with white skin and yellow hair, 1/24 whereas the other figures are 4/24, pretty cool, I never get the chase figures. I guess that extra minute I took feeling the blind boxes, reading their aura and picking the two I wanted really paid off, lol.

Jaime got me an out of package AJ Styles Retro figure because when I finally found him last year at our Target after scouring all of lower New England for him, they only had one. And I couldn't find a second one anywhere to open up. Until the other day when I found him at Mardens in Ellsworth and couldn't pass him up just in case Jaime didn't get him for me. I'll just turn one of them into a custom, Jaime wants him in his purple attire so someday I'll get around to that. We've been AJ Styles fans since his TNA days and were ecstatic when he came to WWE. This figure is dope as hell, they did a great job with his sculpt.

She also got me Astrotrain from, I don't even know which Transformers series, Classic Deluxe I believe. I have three others from that series as well, Galvatron, Starscream and Cyclonus. Astrotrain's always been one of my favorites but I didn't have him as a kid, him or Blitzwing. I loved Transformers but hated the toys because they weren't good to play with and none of them were properly scaled. So I was super excited when they made the Action Masters Transformers most people hate because, well because they don't transform. I could actually play with them.

Which leads me to Action Masters Devastator. I had him as a kid, I had quite a few Action Masters, but they're gone and I don't know how or where. I have been searching for them since high school and can't find those little bastards anywhere. I still have the accessory robots they came with, I still have Megatron's tank, but the figures seem to have vanished. I have no clue what happened to them, I still hope to stumble across them in some random box one day but I've slowly begun rebuilding my collection. Jaime got me Devastator this year to go along with the Soundwave, Shockwave and Starscream she got me a few years ago. He is in mint condition, even better than my original.

She also got me the Battle Beasts figure, Blitzkrieg Bat. I had all the Battle Beasts as a kid and loved them. And then I sold them all when we were poor and have regretted it ever since. I'm trying to collect my favorites and have most of them now, he's one of them. I still have the three bases and the riding vehicles, a couple random weapons, and I found two figures at flea markets over the years. I'll probably slowly rebuild my collection but this was one of the most important pieces for me to have once again. Luckily I don't care about the hologram rub so it makes buying them a little cheaper.

I also got the the two WWE Retro figures I found at Mardens a few days ago, AJ Styles and Dean Ambrose. I'm not particularly a fan of Ambrose but I've been eyeing him at Target forever, since last year when I got AJ Styles there right after Christmas. He's been there this whole time, along with stupid jumping Goldberg, but they haven't gone on clearance yet. So I grabbed him as well, why not, pretty cool figure and I likde him when he was in The Shield originally.

And last but not least, Battle Punch He-Man from the New Adventures line. I had most of the New Adventures figures as a kid but not the He-Man and Skeletor variants. I honestly don't even remember seeing this one. I like the figure because he looks a hell of a lot more like he did in the cartoon than the original one they came out with. I also love his power sword and shield. I would have played with this figure for hours if I had him as a child. New Adventures gets a bad rap but I liked it as a kid, not as much as the original but it was good and there were some cool characters, particularly the mutants. This He-Man variant will be a great addition to my ever expanding collection.
I had an amazing Christmas. It was nice to be with my family like when I was a kid, even better when you're opening toys as an adult. All my figures are great and I can't wait to get home and display them. This was pretty much what my childhood Christmases looked like. I'm excited to hit the malls and see what else I can find during this Christmastime toy hunting extravaganza.
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