Christmas Eve. We were supposed to head down to CT tonight when Jaime got out of work but it was quiet as hell so they let people leave early. So an hour after her shift started, she was out and we were on our way. Well, first I had to finish my modified Watergate Salad and pistachio cookies with cherry frosting, then load the car, and then we were out.
Since we left early, we were able to make it to the Solomon Pond Mall just outside of Worcester Massachusetts. They recently opened a new Toy Vault there that we went to for the first time a couple months ago on our way down to CT since we literally pass right by it on I-95. We got there around 5:00, only an hour before close and the place was mobbed.

Without too much time to browse, I ran straight to Toy Vault, sort of, I couldn't remember where it was and it's too new to be on the directory map. So I weaved in and out of holiday shoppers until I found it, and I forgot where it was so I'll have to search for it next time too. I should really draw myself a map. The second I walked in, I spotted the brand new retro Masters Of The Universe figures. They're made to look exactly like the originals, down to the packaging, artwork on the back, even the fake little mini-comic situated behind the figure. I knew I needed She-Ra and Skeletor after seeing them online but Hordak looked damn good as well so I grabbed the three of them. He-Man just looks too much like the original and not enough like the cartoon version. At $25 a piece, I decided to just get one of each rather than get an extra to open. They really did a good job with these figures, can't wait for He-Ro and Eldor and whatever else they have in the works.

They had tons of GI Joes so I spent a while searching through them but had most of them already. There were a few that I wanted but they had broken crotches so I passed. What good is a Joe without his dingaling? I did find one I needed, Night Viper, one of my favorite Cobra soldiers. I had him once upon a time but sold him about ten years ago. Why? Because he was in three pieces. So I sold him and all my other broken GI Joes, long before I realized I could put them back together. Now that I've become a licensed GI Joe doctor (I'm not actually licensed but don't tell my Joes that), I regret selling that huge bag of parts. So many of my favorites. Well, at least another one has been added to my Cobra ranks. I even have one of his weapons, unfortunately not his night vision goggles or backpack.

I always check the cheap figure rack and usually find at least one figure. Most of them are in pretty rough shape and would be great for customs but unfortunately I don't have time to make custom figures anymore. Still, when I spotted a WWF Hasbro Scott Steiner figure, in mint condition, I had to grab him. I don't know what he was doing in there, possibly a mistake, the Hasbros are typically behind glass. He might even be in better shape than the one I already have. I can't tell you how many hours I spent playing with these things as a kid.

Back in 2007, I was working on a bunch of WWF Hasbro customs, making all the superstars that never made it into plastic form. I bought every Hasbro figure I came across and built up quite the collection of extras, then when I stopped making customs after getting into writing novels and hiking guides, I sold off all the duplicates I'd amassed. And naturally, regretted it shortly after. I'm thinking about getting back into customizing again, despite not having the time for it, and I had quite a few figures that were set to use Scott Steiner as a base. Someday I'll get back into it, and when I do, I'll be glad I spent the $4 on a figure I always had trouble getting my hands on.
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