Saturday, December 22, 2018

Ellsworth Mardens

With over an inch of rain yesterday into the night, we knew today was going to be a waterfall hunting day in Acadia. At close to 50 degrees, I was out until the sun went down. I also needed to grab a Park Pass which they discount to 50% off during December. Being done around 4:00 meant plenty of time for a little shopping in Ellsworth Maine. One problem, the only store I really wanted to go to, Mardens, closes at 5:00 on Saturday. I didn't want to have to cut hiking short so we went there when they opened at 10:00.

After finding those MOTU and Thundercats Loyal Subjects figures at the Brewer Mardens, I was hoping for a few more. The Ellsworth one usually has a better toy selection, not sure if it's because they get better stuff or if it's because the Brewer one is busier and everything sells before I get there. Tons of toys, a lot of them different from the Brewer location, but no Loyal Subjects figures.

However, as I made my way past some rednecks with the combined IQ of a pillow, trying to figure out what toy to buy for Mary-Sue-Beth-Anne (they might have been inbred as well), I spotted something I didn't expect to see. The girl was holding a high school diploma, no, no, no, I'm kidding, she'll never make it that far. WWE Retro figures, series 3. I spent last Christmas hunting those little bastards down just so I could get my hands on an AJ Styles. I finally found him but only one, I've been hoping for a second so I could open him up. And there he was, just one of him, plus a Dean Ambrose who I also grabbed and a Seth Rollins, who I did not. Nothing against 'the architect', but man do I hate that stupid ass jumping feature they give some of the figures. I hated it back then and even more now. Most of my WWF Hasbro figures with the jumping feature are still in mint condition because I never played with them. So I passed on Seth and although I'm not a big Dean Ambrose fan, the figure is pretty cool, not to mention I have no self restraint when it comes to toys. They were still like $9 a piece which isn't much of a discount considering Target has them for $13. And I had AJ Styles on my Christmas list and Jaime probably bought him for me because we love AJ but if I wind up with an extra, I can just turn this one into a custom or something.

Deer Brook Waterfall in Acadia National Park, MaineAfter an exhausting day of waterfall hunting and over 10 miles of hiking, I got some great stuff for my Acadia Waterfalls book. I can also barely move my legs now but that didn't stop me from checking out Reny's, nothing good there and man are they expensive. Then I ran next door to Family Dollar but they were pretty much wiped out, very few toys left. They did have some blind bags of Transformers that had the possibility of some cool characters but I really hate little figures with giant heads. I realize that's what the Loyal Subjects ones are but at least they're a little larger. Oh and it's a good thing I went to Mardens in the morning because I didn't get back from my last waterfall until the sun was going down around 4:15 and we wouldn't have made it to Mardens in time.

WWE Retro series 3 cardback
I went to TJ Maxx as well where I found a WWE Retro series 2 Steve Austin and Triple H last month at the Bangor location but there were none in Ellsworth today, if they had them I'm sure they sold long ago. I picked up an Austin but skipped on Triple H because, you guessed it, he's a freakin' jumper. If it weren't for that stupid action figure I'd have bought a Triple H, Sting, Goldberg, Kofi Kingston and probably a Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan and Finn Balor as well. My collection would be about twice the size it is now. I'm still hoping for a second Kane to take out of package. I did run into one of my former managers there who sells stuff on eBay and recently came across a bunch of MOTU vintage figures, some of which even have their cardbacks, so I might buy some of the ones that didn't sell off her. Do I really need more MOTU figures? No, but they have their cardbacks, I don't think I can resist. I also hit up Goodwill but didn't find anything there, their toy section typically sucks.

Great day of waterfall and toy hunting, two of my favorite things. Not quite what I was hoping for at Mardens but hey, a Retro AJ Styles, no complaints here. I've barely looked at the figures, I think I'll wrap them up and open them on Christmas along with the Loyal Subjects I found at the Brewer Mardens a few days ago.

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