With over an inch of rain yesterday into the night, we knew today was going to be a waterfall hunting day in Acadia. At close to 50 degrees, I was out until the sun went down. I also needed to grab a Park Pass which they discount to 50% off during December. Being done around 4:00 meant plenty of time for a little shopping in Ellsworth Maine. One problem, the only store I really wanted to go to, Mardens, closes at 5:00 on Saturday. I didn't want to have to cut hiking short so we went there when they opened at 10:00.
After finding those MOTU and Thundercats Loyal Subjects figures at the Brewer Mardens, I was hoping for a few more. The Ellsworth one usually has a better toy selection, not sure if it's because they get better stuff or if it's because the Brewer one is busier and everything sells before I get there. Tons of toys, a lot of them different from the Brewer location, but no Loyal Subjects figures.
However, as I made my way past some rednecks with the combined IQ of a pillow, trying to figure out what toy to buy for Mary-Sue-Beth-Anne (they might have been inbred as well), I spotted something I didn't expect to see. The girl was holding a high school diploma, no, no, no, I'm kidding, she'll never make it that far. WWE Retro figures, series 3. I spent last Christmas hunting those little bastards down just so I could get my hands on an AJ Styles. I finally found him but only one, I've been hoping for a second so I could open him up. And there he was, just one of him, plus a Dean Ambrose who I also grabbed and a Seth Rollins, who I did not. Nothing against 'the architect', but man do I hate that stupid ass jumping feature they give some of the figures. I hated it back then and even more now. Most of my WWF Hasbro figures with the jumping feature are still in mint condition because I never played with them. So I passed on Seth and although I'm not a big Dean Ambrose fan, the figure is pretty cool, not to mention I have no self restraint when it comes to toys. They were still like $9 a piece which isn't much of a discount considering Target has them for $13. And I had AJ Styles on my Christmas list and Jaime probably bought him for me because we love AJ but if I wind up with an extra, I can just turn this one into a custom or something.
I went to TJ Maxx as well where I found a WWE Retro series 2 Steve Austin and Triple H last month at the Bangor location but there were none in Ellsworth today, if they had them I'm sure they sold long ago. I picked up an Austin but skipped on Triple H because, you guessed it, he's a freakin' jumper. If it weren't for that stupid action figure I'd have bought a Triple H, Sting, Goldberg, Kofi Kingston and probably a Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan and Finn Balor as well. My collection would be about twice the size it is now. I'm still hoping for a second Kane to take out of package. I did run into one of my former managers there who sells stuff on eBay and recently came across a bunch of MOTU vintage figures, some of which even have their cardbacks, so I might buy some of the ones that didn't sell off her. Do I really need more MOTU figures? No, but they have their cardbacks, I don't think I can resist. I also hit up Goodwill but didn't find anything there, their toy section typically sucks.
Great day of waterfall and toy hunting, two of my favorite things. Not quite what I was hoping for at Mardens but hey, a Retro AJ Styles, no complaints here. I've barely looked at the figures, I think I'll wrap them up and open them on Christmas along with the Loyal Subjects I found at the Brewer Mardens a few days ago.
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